Culture and Perspectives on Sexual Assault Policy is a study conducted at 4 universities in Nova Scotia with the objective of archiving information for administrators and service providers about sexual violence and assault policies who respond to the needs of culturally diverse students.
We were challenged with creating an inviting theme for a website that dealt with such sensitive topics. We decided on depicting the website as a scrapbook/ journal to replicate a more humanistic approach, with sketch- like drawings depicting survivors.
Dynamic Illustrations
Dealing with matters such as diversity and assault can often be challenging. The concept we presented involved creating a sense of inclusion through the use of multicultural portraits of different genders, while simultaneously adding anonymity for the study’s workshop participants whose testimonials and artwork are featured in the archive.
These portraits, penciled by the highly talented Efrain Malo, are displayed throughout the site individually and in groups. They’re randomized on each page load from a library of about ten illustrations to create a sense of variety and diversity.